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Talking Helps,
Relationships Heal

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In the UK 39.2% of children aged 6-14 have experienced a deterioration in their mental health since 2017.

That deterioration has left 1 in 6 children living with a mental health problem. 


34% of young people that ask for help do not receive it and only 1 in 3 are able to report an improvement in their mental health after 6 weeks of counselling.


There is still a stigma that surrounds mental health.

Many young people will still find themselves feeling ashamed of their emotions and whilst talking about our emotional health certainly helps, it is relationships that will help us heal.

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Britain Get Talking 

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10th October and this year ITV Media, Young Minds and Mind are re-launching the hugely successful 'Britain Get Talking' campaign which launched in 2019 and has inspired 100 million new conversations since.


Talking about our Mental Health is vitally important and talking can absolutely help us share, improve and understand our thoughts and feelings. Yet, it is important to understand that talking about our Mental Health isn't a preventive measure and, as the statistics surrounding child and young people's mental health continue to worsen show, do little to improve our overall state of wellness. 

One Small Change

The team at When the Parents Change know that whilst talking helps it is relationships that heal. We know that relationships with calm, predictable and safe adults are nurturing and help children and young people develop empathy, resilience and confidence.We have worked in thousands of classrooms and know that relational practice also prevents guilt, shame, insecurity and self loathing.


Relational Parenting is a way of life that takes some time to develop but there are a number of practical things you can do today that will make an immediate impact on your child's mental health.


Today we are inviting parents to commit to One Small Change and share some ideas of what you can do to start supporting your child's emotional health today.

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